Landing an Airplane in Cloud & Zero Visibility | IFR Approach Explained by a Pilot

Landing an Airplane in Cloud & Zero Visibility | IFR Approach Explained by a Pilot

How do pilots land safely in bad weather, low visibility and cloud? How do they navigate through the clouds, fog, rain, snow, and thunderstorms without crashing into anything as they descend towards the runway? As a commercial pilot, I get asked this all the time by my passengers! So in this aviation video, I explain in as simple way possible, how pilots land safely in bad weather, so that even a non-pilot can understand! Landing an airplane is my favorite part about flying and being a pilot. Although landing an aircraft in adverse weather conditions can be a challenge, it is one of the most rewarding parts of why I became a pilot!

So how do we do it? We fly an IFR approach! Flying IFR (Instrument flight rules) allows us pilots to aviate through weather without being able to see the ground. Unlike VFR (visual flight rules) that require us to fly with good visibility and clear of cloud, IFR allows aircraft to land safely in all types of weather. In the video I explain the basics behind a very common IFR precision approach called an ILS (instrument landing system). An ILS allows aircraft to fly a glideslope and localizer track (lateral guidance) to a precise location and altitude for a specific runway. The ILS approach, RNAV approach, VOR approach, NDB approach are examples of different IFR approaches used to locate and land on a runway when clouds and weather are in the way.

Aircraft of all sizes, from large aircraft like the Boeing 747, B737, B777, Airbus A330 and Airbus a380, all the way down to small single engine aircraft like the Cessna 172, C182, Piper Seneca, and even the turboprop aircraft that I fly... can fly IFR approaches! However, it depends on what type of avionics are in the airplane and what sort of flight training the pilots have. For instance, I hold an IFR multi instrument rating along with my commercial pilot license. I also attend annual flight training to make sure I am proficient when it comes to my IFR flying. On large commercial aircraft, flight crews go for regular IFR training on a regular basis. So enjoy this video and don't forget to like subscribe and comment! I really appreciate the support!

ALSO! If you are interested in learning how to fly or flight training. I have made some videos explaining how to get your private pilot license PPL, as well as what the costs of the PPL are. Check them out!

Follow me on Instagram: @evan_lufty

#flighttraining #learntofly #IFR #aviation #pilotlicense #pilotlife

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