Hand out the window airplane windows rolled down Cessna 172 Flight Training How to Fly

PRIVATE PILOT LICENCE | Start to Finish | Full Process Explained

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Do you want to learn to fly and pursue your aviation dream? Using my knowledge and experience as a professional corporate pilot and drawing from my experience as I went through training, I hope to answer one of the questions I get asked the most by those who aspire to become an airline pilot, corporate pilot, private pilot, bush pilot, etc... or showcase a passionate interest in aviation! "How do I get my pilot's license?"

Hopefully this video will give a clearer explanation of the process and what it is like to go through the training. The Private Pilots License is the first license that any pilot must attain, and in my opinion, it is one of the most gratifying because of the excitement of learning things you have likely never done before! After completing the PPL, you can continue to get the Commercial Pilot License, Multi Engine Rating, IFR Instrument Rating, and the Airline Transport License. This video will explain in detail what you need to know before starting flight school or flight training. Topics such as ground school, the introductory flight, your first solo, night flying, cross country flying, flight hours and time required, as well as tips on what you can expect during your training.

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Keep in mind that, there are some materials required for your Pilot License. Aviation headset (such as Bose, Lightspeed, or David Clarke), flight maps, aviation calculator, and ground school course materials. Most pilots that I know, train in the Cessna 172, the most common flight training aircraft and this may be the same airplane that YOU train in. So it may be a good idea to get familiar with that type of aircraft by doing some research before hand. I made a different video demonstrating flying circuits in the Cessna 172 found on my channel page. :)

In all, if the pilot life is a dream of yours, this is the very first step. Becoming a pilot starts here, and will be a huge milestone in your training. From takeoff to landing practice, to stalls, steep turns, emergency procedures and of course... your FIRST SOLO! This is a journey that I am sure you will NEVER forget!

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*Please note that I didn't discuss the costs of attaining your license because they can vary drastically depending on where you take your training. I will likely put together another video discussing the costs of flight training later on.

Instagram: @evan_lufty

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